WAITLIST INFO- We always have movement on our lists as we get closer to camp, so signing up for a waitlist is always a great idea!  At worst, you'll be part of the early registration groups for next year.  Sign up for any week below and we will call you for any opening we may have throughout the summer (order based on when you signed up for the waitlist).

  • AGES 9-12

  • AGES 9-12

  • AGES 9-12

  • AGES 9-12

  • AGES 9-12

  • AGES 9-12

  • AGES 9-12

  • AGES 9-12

  • Ages 9-12

  • AGES 9-12

  • AGES 6-8. 9am-12:30pm

  • AGES 6-8 1pm-4:30pm

  • Ages 6-8 9am-12:30pm

  • Ages 6-8. 1pm-4:30pm

  • Ages 13-15

After Hours Care

  • After Hours Care

    After Hours Care

    Is the 3:45-4:00 pick up time impossible with your schedule? We can keep your child until 6 pm? They can head back to our headquarters/afterschool program location in Monkey Junction. $50 for the whole week! ONLY AVAILABLE FOR AGE GROUPS 9-12 AND 13-15.

    $50.00 ea.

Cancellation Policy- Full payments are due by May 15th and will automatically charge the card on file. If an emergency (Covid-19, hurricane) causes a shutdown of summer camps, prorated refunds and other options will be offered.

If you need to cancel, full refunds will be given before April 15th (with a $25 processing fee). After April 15th and up to 14 days before your camp date, we will refund all of your money minus the camp deposit (and a $25 processing fee). No refunds will be given within 14 days of your camp week, however we may be able to offer you a camp credit.

We expect campers to act respectfully at all times when they are on our property or participating in our programs. Campers are to behave in a responsible way, and respect the rights and dignity of others. We really have 4 simple rules:
Listen to and respect your counselors.
Be nice to other campers, the equipment and the environment.
Keep your hands to yourself.
NO electronics!

Campers should talk to a counselor or any CFAC staff member if they are uncomfortable with any experiences or need assistance while at camp.

Praise and positive reinforcement will be used as effective methods of behavior management. However, if a camper does not follow the behavior guidelines, we will take the following action steps as behavior problems progress.
1. Staff will redirect the camper to more appropriate behavior.
2. If inappropriate behavior continues, the camper will be reminded of behavior guidelines and camp rules, and the camper will be asked to decide on action steps to correct his/her behavior.
3. First Warning-If a child’s behavior still does not meet expectations and is affecting the experience of other campers, he/she will be referred to Camp Director, Austin Adams. Austin may notify parents in writing, in person, or by telephone of the inappropriate behavior.
4. Second Warning- If a child persists in unacceptable behavior after the first warning, camper will be suspended from camp for one day
5. If inappropriate behavior continues, as a final action step the camper may be dismissed from camp completely.

Camper fees are non-refundable if a camper is sent home for disciplinary reasons. Physical violence or bullying toward another camper or staff member will result in immediate dismissal from the camp program.

Examples of unacceptable behavior:
Refusing to follow behavior guidelines or camp rules
Using profanity, vulgarity or obscenity
Stealing or damaging property (personal or camp property)
Refusal to cooperate with staff
Disrupting a program
Leaving a program without permission
Endangering the health and safety of children and/or staff
Use of illicit drugs, alcohol or tobacco or sexual conduct of any kind
Teasing, making fun or bullying of other campers or staff
Fighting of any kind


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